Wedding photos, special places: under water.
My old friend, Stephen W. professional wedding photographer, but you love nature photography.
He says:
Passion for nature photography, so very glad when Eugenia D. and her partner were asked to take pictures underwater at wedding. The underwater photos at suitable devices were available, I am an experienced diver.
The Pacific Ocean next to a coral reef sailed, after the official ceremony held on the ship after we submerged. In the spot, of course, the bride and groom's dress was not traditional, but the color indicated bathing dresses, special occasion.
Wonderful photo. The underwater world of brilliantly colored, vibrant, lively nature. The wedding pictures are beautiful, but funny. Imagine what it was like the first kiss of the ocean waters, coral, glistening fish between.
Sure, the event was a fantastic experience. Warning! I recommend only for experienced divers.
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