Nightmare instead of Dream Wedding in Boston, MA.
Richard D. Professional wedding photographer working in Boston writes to me.
I was shocked.
A young couple, David E. and Phiona C. for photography, capturing dream wedding. They living in Buffalo, NY, but we agreed to on April 15 at 6 pm at Boston, prepared preliminary studio photography.
Unfortunately, this could not take place. David was walking in the city, while his bride was thrilled with the pictures. Of course, David inquired of the Boston Marathon. He stayed close to the target when the tragedy occurred, the horrific bombings ...
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He could not get there on your wedding photography. There are so badly damaged that his right arm had to be amputated, we can only hope that his life is not in danger. Phiona crunch, was transported to the hospital. The wedding instead of a tragedy of the young couple.
I was terribly shocked by the incident, the injured and condolences to all the families of the victims!
Blogger own opinion: I truly sympathize with the victims, shattering for me for the event.
It was not American territory fatal terrorist bombing since the September 11 attacks, but the attack was broken for Boston's relative calm. Weary soldiers in the fight against terror, or was simply inevitable for another attack? External or internal terrorism? Do not know yet, but we demand the rapid discovery!