This is an exaggeration! There is no such wedding photographers in the U.S.
Igor H. so that advertises itself as "wedding photographer".
I and my companions in Atlanta, GA works.
We come from afar, from Europe. I love living here, people like us, I love them. There are many beautiful wedding photographing and filming us.
This is confirmed by Monica and Fred W. in Cleveland, OH. They felt themselves very well in wedding photography, open to all folly ...
Continue your search for photographers database here:
Selection of services:
Wedding pictures, videos, alternative child photography, boards, bulletins, reports and photography, portrait, nude, model, photography, drawing, books, reproduction of the highest quality enlargements - up to life size. Let us live happily and relaxed! These passwords.
Blogger's comment: Dear friend, Igor! Is what you're doing is not wedding photography. But there is nothing wrong if the customer so requests.