Stupefy, some like and some people do not like the wedding photo shoot in the U.S..

Isaac A. amazing view. He's been a professional wedding photographer in Portland, OR:

I can honestly say now I hate wedding photography. Hysterical brides, grooms bloated ...

David B. Of Phoenix, AZ, by contrast, committed and enthusiastic wedding photographer:

"I am a full time wedding photographer. I love my job, and that alone is enough for me right inspiration - but there's also the pursuit of happiness is what I see couples face when you take your hands made ​​their wedding pictures to relive and admire your moments. It is also the responsibility and joy is what I love about wedding photography, so I chose this calling."

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George O.  in the San Antonio, TX:

"We have the person's life during a period in which cloud absolutely feel good ... its worth keeping that which we deal with, we have an ambition feels to be on track and true companion is passed out ... Sometimes you just eyes and soul I take pictures, and stores a lot of rarely flew ideas . So I chose to photograph weddings."

P Christopher, who was in Washington, DC known photographer, says:

"Most people (even in my line of work as well) avoids a challenge - but I enjoy situations that are constantly encouraged to always something new, some cases can present ideas. A wedding photograph just such a challenge for me, because just as no two weddings, two of the same couple or wedding party - this is why I consider the wedding photographers in my life and one of the most enjoyable of a positive challenge. "

The blogger comments: Isaac dear! I do not believe you. You certainly true wedding photographer you are. But just as the rest go to Africa to photograph lions.