Who we are and what we offer our wedding photographers in San Francisco, CA.

Damien B. professional wedding photography and video in San Diego, CA. He says, and praises the company.

A couple preparing for their wedding sometimes startled face the fact that it is not an easy decision when you have to choose the right service provider. Many of the seemingly similar offer, sometimes not even a benchmark - and a lot of self "professional" service auctioneer person, who is just a payment in addition to, not as a profession considered for the job ...

The "Wedding Reporters" was created as members of our firm to assist you in regard to choice - we all are, despite a full-time, experienced young contemporary visual suppliers. View styles and different (this is reflected in our works), but demanding our tariffs and our identity, so most likely you'll also find among us from the right professional. Who sits but it is also our team?

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Wedding photography:Our team of wedding photographers members technically (and to include all of the equipment and the knowledge included) developed at the same level are - as photographers are aware of what will be really good for a wedding photo, so we select few will actually get quality images received! This, of course, most references show for us as well.Our approach, however, is different: we are all different we are seeing at the moment, other themes and settings captured by us.For this reason, you'll find a great chance for you to diversity is appropriate for you photographers among us!Our prices are also kept at a uniform level, so you guys can just deal with the corresponding number on style selection - and also (. Engagement Photography, Fine Art Photography books, a second photographer, photo corners, etc.) a high chance can find it for you right between the best service!Wedding film / Cinematografia:

The wedding video of the term, which is still the most alive in the public consciousness - the cinematographic genre, however, and can not necessarily be compared to the traditional wedding video. A youthful, dynamic atmosphere and experience focusing on movie theater experience is concerned, considering that the length (for a day of shooting) is usually between 20-30 minutes - complete with music in film and camera movements. Typically, a shorter 3-4 minute summary called.
Highlights film was also included, and a history of engagement in the movie Love Story recounts or acquaintance, you can also rotate before the wedding, which is usually screened for the guests after dinner.

Blogger's note: We strongly recommend that you look at Damien B. company works and references, mostly because they can speak for them, too!