Wedding Photography Training, 2013th year. Jacksonville, FL.

Donald S. He was Jaksonville activity wedding photographer and manager of a major communications company:

I and my companions, as well as several colleagues from several states (such as Texas, Ohio, Indiana), the United States decided that in August we organize a training camp for Jacksonville. Our goal is to start educating wedding photographers.

Topics planned for 2013:

- Photo history, art analysis, technical and compositional bases in theory and practice
- Digital and analog photography (color and black-and-white slides), Camera Obscura
- Labor conditioning, computer post-production, Photoshop
- Visit Museum (Museum of Photography, Detroit)
- Nature and building photography
- Portrait and socio-graphs photography
- Lifes
- Photo and text combined transformation, reporting photography
- Other forms of art combining photography (eg, posters, film, painting)
- Preparation and issue of photo galleries

The syllabus is a draft, which is implemented with the composition of the scene, and the current number of jobs in the group is determined.

We are dedicated to those interested in photography, young people had the opportunity to photography as an amateur on delivery systems to more thoroughly acquainted with the theoretical background and practice of photography. During the sessions a great emphasis on practical training, participants peek "professional" tricks.

Another important aspect of illustration, as well as to the students, the more discouraged Enjoy the work. Particular emphasis will be on individual perspectives, ideas, creativity and development, and strive to provide participants enjoy themselves, but mainly to learn!