A well-known couple's wedding in Cleveland, OH

David G. wedding photographer, Columbus, OH. write for my.

Breth S. and Sarah T. well-known names in Cleveland. Social support as they care for the poor, selflessly. Form a special way for years.

A little while later They are bought a house together and refurbished, before traveling overseas to continue their work. Professional in the U.S., Africa and Brazil. They are now settled in Christchurch, where S. Breth runs a construction company, but Sarah nurse.

Breth and Sarah certainly knew all about team work, dedication and commitment. Marriage was the next step along the journey chosen for a special day Sarah Nelson in his hometown.

When we got to take pictures of the girls in the morning of the wedding, I'd rather pleased to see such a beautiful pink bridesmaid dresses. In the lounge we could smell deliciously fragrant bouquets of pink and cream roses, this is just the icing on the cake.

Sarah looked absolutely stunning in her beautiful corset style dress designed by Bill Ewers from wearing a dress of the bride.

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There is nothing quite like the best of friends with you during one of the most special days of your life. Finesse here!

All brides want some nice elegant wedding photos, before leaving for the ceremony.
All wedding to another photo, it is our goal to capture and create wedding photos that are unique and mean something to the couple.
I'm always looking for good natural light and fun, these shots worked perfectly in a plain white wall.

Dear Breth and Sarah! I wish a lot of happiness!