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Several people complaint about in the past year, They put Cheated.

One Of Those pending was filed by Barbara (Dallas, TX). She signed a contract with $ 2,400.00 for Jonah Bridal photography, DJ services and a photobooth at her upcoming wedding december 2013. She made monthly payments but grew Concerned When she could not get a hold of Jonah.

"Sure enough I looked on her website, it was no longer available, I call her phone number, it was disconnected ... "

Barbara said. "I thought wow, something's wrong. Sent an e-mail it was undeliverable."

Barbara claim to Jonah's labour, but then canceled her contract says she never did. She turn to the Better Business Bureau, but declined mediation Barbara says. The BBB review Bridal Shows with three C-rating and customer complaints.

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"She's got 10% of the 25% of the Inquiries and complaints, you kinda wonder if you've got the rogues out there," said Barbara. "And somebody's not delivering."

Barbara says she is the Victim of what. At the same time Jonah show us the temporary restraining order she filed January against one of her former clients, who says she was harassing her.
Several of clients and Jonah's Action News by e-mail with positive reviews.